What is your web design requirements? Create a new website Major changes to my website Minor changes to my website Others What are your Website needs? To advertise my business/services To sell products/services e.g. Ecommerce To offer bespoke personality e.g. forums, CRM Others What type of business is this for? Personal project Sole trader/self-employed Small business(1-9 Employees) Medium business(10-29 Employees) Lage business(30-99 Employees) Extra Large business(100 or more Employees) Charity/non-profit Other What industry do you operate in? Business services Creative industry Entertainment & events Financial Services Health & fitness Home services Restaurant & Foods Retail/Consumer goods Technology/Software Other What is your estimated budget for this project? Less than $500 $500 - $999 $1,000 - $1,999 $2,000 - $2,999 $3,000 - $4,999 $5,000 or more Thank you for helping us in understand your needs better. Time's up